1. A student's application for admission will be assessed provided that the applicant submits all academic requirements and possesses all the qualifications prescribed by the University, the Technical Educational Skills & Development Authority (TESDA) and the Commission on Higher Education Development (CHED) as provided for in the Student Manual.
The basic requirement for eligibility for admission of a student to any collegiate educational program or course shall be graduation from a secondary level program recognized by the Department of Education (DepED).
Graduates of foreign secondary schools who may not fully satisfy the specific requirements of certain collegiate programs or courses may be admitted provided any deficiency is corrected during his/her initial school term or semester.
Students who have not yet graduated from high school but have completed at least eleven curriculum years in elementary and secondary education in other countries may be favorably considered for admission to a tertiary educational program of the university.
2. The VMUF does not admit any student who is convicted of any criminal offense even during pendency of appeal.
3. The University has the right to refuse admission or re-admit students under certain qualifying circumstances.
4. Entrance requirements for each course shall be prescribed by the Dean in coordination with the Admission Committee and approval of the University.